Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I've never really ever kept up w/ a fortune from a fortune cookie.. I ate Chen Wok [the best chinese food in AZ tsk tsk!] the other day and after I was done grubbin' I opened my fortune cookie. This is what it said..

HMMMMMMMmMmMMMMMM... To me it sounds like a lame ass pick up line bwahaha ! I'm not sure what to think ! It wouldn't be fair to assume who this 'SOMEONE' could be but all I can do is hope that it's a certain someone who is everything I look for in someone.. HELL, it could be someone that I don't even know >.< I'm single and not looking ! BUT if something good comes my way you never know. I feel deep down within that it if could be a right fit then maybe the shoe fits. I'm not vulnerable, matter of fact, I'm really picky when it comes to dating/relationships.. Why wouldn't you be though? A lot of people are fucked up/self absorbed. : / I'm really busy and focused on myself as of right now which is my biggest challenge. I like to have my space. I won't front, it would be nice to have that perfect someone around though. If you actually know me everyone knows I'd rather be safe then sorry. In conclusion, patience will be my key to this problem and I'm content w/ that idea. : )

Chuckin the Deuces,

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Meet my dog Zion :) She's a mut like me ! Although she's a dog she definitely has a character. Her breed is half black Labrador and half basset hound. A hot dog body would best describe her body lol. I've had her since she was about two months old back when I was in college last year. She's my ride or die bitch.

This is Zion as a puppy : )

This is her now ! All grownt up with her gnarly ass spike collar that I've been cut by a few times from her being obnoxious lol. Today there was a lady walking two of her dogs and when they made eye contact with Zion they went bezerko ! Mind you we were a few feet away from each other. They dragged the poor 5'0 ft. woman into the rocks chest first [her titties had to hurt!] and dragged her !! O_O I thought that shit only happened in movies about dogs such as Me, Myself and Marley. I accidentally laughed but it was HILARIOUS! Anywho, the weight of the little lady weighed down her dogs too and they made more of a mess by wrapping their leashes around a tree. Shit was COMEDY ! I picked up Zion and put her over my friends patio since we were right there. I didn't get the chance to ask the lady if she was okay but it all just happened so fast and before you know it, she was gone !

Well that was the adventure for this lazy sunday ! I'm about to grub and get plump.

Chuckin the deuces,

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I want to give a shout out to my sister Zoe on this very special day. I remember when you were just a cute lil baby and now you're getting all grownt up :c lol.

We went to IHOP for breakfast and it was delicious ! Here's what went down and some of the death we consumed today :x

Afterward, my brother Tino and I went to the park by our house and snapped some pix for fun ! My siblings and I have no more than four letters in our names lol. All short and simple. Let me tell you though, this boy has waaaay too much character for his own good. Without him my life would be so dull.

I'm about to go and take a nice fat juicy nap ! I know if I don't tonight i'll most likely be a zombie w/ my friends and you know how we get down lol ;)

Chuckin the deuces!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I want to thank all the people who just recently started following me!! -MUAH-  I It means a lot to me, foreal.  :)

Last night, I spent the night at my lesbian lover casa !  Caity is fam to me.  We've known each other since we were bay bay kids.  She is so generous, kind hearted and all that sappy shit.  Ladies get at her ! ;) Besides her charm she always poppin' bottles and making concoctions that will definitely creep up on that ass !  Viewers meet Caity, Caity, viewers : ) 

We took a whole shooter of Sailor Jerry's + a blunt !  Let me tell you.. That shit had me turnt up ! o.O  I'll choose dark liquor over light any day! -licks lips and swallows-  It does pure justice. :) If you're a drinker/alchy I definitely recommend !  Start drinkin and grow some hair on them lil nuts baby boy!

After the cross fade kicked in we tuned into SAW VII aka SAW 3d [VII = 7 in case you aren't familiar with your Roman Numerals]   I'm a horror fan at heart. IMO, I love following the series of SAW because the story line is legit, the filming is great and of course the twisted machines are crazy. It's an inspiration for me when it comes to brainstorming ideas for PottyMouff. I'm a horror fan at heart.  I'm one of those people that have to see any 'scary' movie that comes out whether the movie is lame or not.  If you like gory shit this movie is definitely for you ! But don't skip the other movies unless you know the story line, otherwise you'll be lookin' like a lost monkey in a lion cage.

Once the movie was done we ate our favooorite drunk meal ever, mexican food !!! NOMNOMNOM!  There's so many damn Mexican food joints that end in -ertos here in AZ you'd be surprised.  Be careful though, because if you go to any sketch ones don't be surprised to have a horrible stomach situation.  Turst me, I'd know lol.  I usually fuck with 'FILIBertos' and plus they're 24 hrs ! After the meal we were KO'd til 11AM today  !

Btw, ladies her bed is helllaaaa comfy like mine ! .........  tsk tsk ;)

Lately I've been getting back into the habit of reading.  I take atleast an hour or thirty minutes out of my day just to have "S.S.R. = Silent Sustained Reading" !  Lmfao, That's the term that was used when I was in elementary school.  I'm reading a classic childhood book that many of you may remember..  'The Phantom Tollbooth' ! If you DON'T ....... Don't talk to me ! Apparently I love this book so much I BORROWED it from the library if you catch my drift haha, damn I was a bad kid. Many of you will find out that I'm such a nerd .. -.-  But a cool one who reads Goosebumps ! If you have any books you want to recommend me to read please drop a comment and I'll for sure look into it.

My haiiiiir ! I don't know what the fuck to do to my hair.  >:\  I've had almost every hairstyle that sparks my interest.  Right now I have this mullet type of hair cut which never fails me because I love it oh so much.  I kinda want to let the sides grow out and be a mop head???? OR Maybe dye it dark blue/green??  All I know is that it's getting long and I for sure want a cute tail so maybe I should just maintain my purty mullet.  What do you guys think I should do with it??

I'm going to go and print some more PottyMouff shirts.  Remember the black shirts will be online hopefully by next week so be sure to follow @PottyMouff for all updates !

Chunkin the deuce,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Where do I begin??  My name is Nico Cruz.  I was born in Bakersfield, California and raised in Arizona.  I moved to LA in 2008 after highschool to attend FIDM and graduated with a degree in Graphic Design.  I just recently moved back to Arizona mid October.  I won't lie it feels great to be back at home to see family and friends.  Now that I'm settled in and not getting ambushed by tons of fuckin homework I'm more focused then ever.  Since I've been back from school I've dedicated most of my time to a brand I found called 'PottyMouff'. 

This blog is a documentation through my perspective. 
I hope you all enjoy my unpredictable adventures.

Chuckin the deuce,